Why we started Joggr
Learn why we started Joggr and how we're fixing developer documentation once and for all.

Seth Rosenbauer

Developer docs suck. They're hard to write, get outdated as soon as the “ink dries”, and impossible to find. Zac and I became soooo tired of fighting with tools that felt like they were built for project managers—not developers, like us.
So as developers we decided to do something about it…and built Joggr.
The Journey
As we sat down to figure out what to do, we broke our pain down into three core problems.
- No docs at all.
- Docs existed, but we couldn't find them.
- We found them—but they were outdated.
So the next stop on our journey was to try and find (or cobble together) a solution.
As we took a deep dive into the available tooling, every platform (Notion, Confluence…the list goes on) we tried, felt stuck in 'Wiki mode'—built for everyone except the developers using them.
That got us thinking: what would documentation look like if it were truly built for developers?
- Why can't we edit docs inside our IDE—where we actually work?
- Why can't docs auto-update—just like npm packages?
- Why can't one tool handle readme docs, diagrams, and collaboration?
- Why can't docs be linted/tested in the CLI—just like code?
These weren't just minor annoyances—they were symptoms of a much bigger problem. Developer documentation was so broken that the teams we spoke to just accepted the pain as the "cost of doing business”—or skipped documentation altogether.
We are both pretty stubborn and refused to accept that… enter Joggr, the documentation platform we purpose built for modern software teams.
The platform we all deserve
We built Joggr to fix developer documentation once and for all:
- CLI-first workflows—because we live in terminals everyday.
- Automated doc updates—because outdated docs are worse than no docs.
- All-in-one docs platform—because juggling multiple tools is a waste of time (and money).
- IDE integration—because documentation should live where you code, not in some forgotten wiki.
Being a software developer is hard enough (i.e. PagerDuty alerts at 3am) and we deserve better documentation tooling, like Joggr.